
Impact of interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm

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Nightlife Harms

Coomber K, Pennay A, Droste N, Mayshak R, Martino F, Bowe SJ, Miller PG. Observable characteristics associated with alcohol intoxication within licensed entertainment venues in Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2016;36:8-14.

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Miller P, Droste N, Martino F, Palmer D, Tindall J, Gillham K, Wiggers J. Illicit drug use and experience of harm in the night-time economy. Journal of Substance Use. 2015;20(4):274-81.

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Pennay A, Miller P, Busija L, Jenkinson R, Droste N, Quinn B, Jones SC, Lubman DI. ‘Wide‐awake drunkenness’? Investigating the association between alcohol intoxication and stimulant use in the night‐time economy. Addiction. 2015;110(2):356-65.

Zinkiewicz L, Curtis A, Meurer H, Miller P. Demographic risk factors for alcohol-related aggression in and around licensed venues. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2016;51(2):196-20