Patron interviews

Have you been interviewed – do you have a QUANTEM card?

As part of our project, we are conducting patron interviews with people out and about in entertainment districts in Queensland. These interviews will allow us to us to better measure and understand the consumption of alcohol and other drugs and their association with risky and offending behaviour within and around licensed venues. This is important in understanding how best to develop strategies and interventions to reduce this harm to individuals and the community. 

These patron interviews are about 5-10 minutes, with questions on the evening so far, plans for the rest of the evening, alcohol and other drug consumption, and experience of harm and risky behaviour. Those interviewed will also be breathalysed and asked for basic demographic information. A small random sample will also be asked for a tongue swab to test for other drug use.

There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know everyone's opinion. Not all the questions have to be answered. If people find that any of these questions unsuitable or offensive, they can simply refuse to answer the question, or stop the interview.  

This study is entirely voluntary, the information anyone gives us will only be seen by the people involved in the study (the research team) and all responses are anonymous.

If you were distressed at all after completing the interview, please find below a list of services you can contact for support.

Lifeline or call 13 14 11

Queensland Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (QNADA)
Or phone Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) (07) 3236 4214 (Brisbane) or free call 1800 177 833 (Qld regional and rural callers) 

For a comprehensive list of sexual assault services in Queensland please visit Queensland Health

If you live outside of Australia, in the US, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-8255. In the UK, the Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123. Hotlines in other countries can be found here 

Have you taken part and wish to withdraw your responses?

Those who have taken part in the interviews are free to withdraw involvement at any time by contacting the research team. The data provided is not identifiable, but with help (and details about when and where the interview occurred, year of birth, postcode and occupation) you will be able to withdraw your results should you wish.

Information will not be disclosed to anyone without permission, except as required by law. All information gathered will be stored in locked filing cabinets or password protected electronic files for a period of at least seven years.