About the QUANTEM Project
The QUANTEM project will:
• Evaluate the extent to which the Queensland Government’s policy is achieving its objectives
• Where possible, identify which initiatives are contributing to the achievement of the intended outcomes or identify which initiatives in combination can be credited with achieving improvements
• Where possible, identify which measures do not appear to be effective, so efforts can be redirected to more effective measures.
For more information, see here.
Significance of Research
Alcohol-related harm in night time entertainment precincts is a major preventable problem. The current study will examine the way in which context moderates the effect of policy on alcohol-related harms. This introduction of these measures in QLD is novel as this is the first time such measures have been introduced state-wide, allowing for the evaluation to provide world-first evidence on a state-level approach to managing licensed venues. This includes a comprehensive evaluation of trends in the availability of alcohol and enforcement in night time entertainment precincts using novel data collection methods alongside traditional measures of harm.
The QUANTEM project has the potential to inform policy development and will have practical implications for the policing of night time entertainment precincts.
Project Team
Professor Peter Miller (Deakin University)
Associate Professor Jason Ferris (The University of Queensland)
Dr Kerri Coomber (Deakin University)
Dr Nicholas Carah (The University of Queensland)
Dr Renee Zahnow (The University of Queensland)
Professor Kypros Kypri (The University of Newcastle)
Professor Jakob Najman (The University of Queensland)
Professor Tanya Chikritzhs (Curtin University)
Professor Robin Room (La Trobe University)
Associate Professor Alan Clough (James Cook University)
Associate Professor Belinda Lloyd (Monash University)
Dr Sarah Callinan (La Trobe University)
Dr Jason Jiang (La Trobe University)
Dr Michael Livingston (La Trobe University)
Ms Sharon Matthews (Turning Point)
Dr Nic Droste (Deakin University)
Dr Ashlee Curtis (Deakin University)
Dr Richelle Mayshak (Deakin University)
Ms Kristy Grant (James Cook University)
Mr Nic Taylor (Deakin University)
Dr Dominique de Andrade (Queensland University of Technology)
Mr Simon Towle (James Cook University)
ARC Linkage Partner Representatives
Mr Michael Thorn (Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education)
Ms Meredythe Crane (Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education)
The QUANTEM project is funded by the ARC for a period of four years from 2016 to 2020
Funding from the Queensland Government is for the period July 2016 to October 2018